Welcome to insightpay.
Remuneration insights and services to suit your organisation.
Formerly known as The National Remuneration Centre (NRC), the new and improved insightpay offers all the same products as the NRC with enhanced functionality and a fresh new look.
Our team of highly experienced HR professionals will work closely with you to meet all your remuneration needs.
Our Services
Job Evaluation

A tailored job evaluation service using our proprietary Job Evaluation System, JobscoreTM
Our Salary Surveys

The All Industries Salary Survey is a job evaluated survey, it includes all data collected from every Insightpay survey.

The survey includes data from all States and a wide range of Council sizes with 150 different types of Council jobs examined.

The utilities survey is produced bi-annually in April and October and covers organisations involved in everyday resources.

The Health Insurance survey is produced in April and October each year. It is an industry-specific survey and covers more than 40 roles.
Job Evaluation
Uniquely developed and proven by insightpay (and the NRC) over decades, JobScoreTM is our online, user friendly and intuitive job evaluation tool. It can assist your organisation with objective job evaluations & creating robust, points-based job structures.

Consulting & Case Studies
Our team of skilled consultants are always on hand to provide support to your organisation with job evaluations, pay structures and remuneration policies, as required. We have collated a range of Case Studies to illustrate how we work.

How-To & Reports
Please find some examples of our reports, how to videos and other information that you may find useful. It can be a good starting point if you are loading your salary data on the system for the first time.